Sofie Møller

Junior Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cologne

My research focuses on Kant and German Idealism. 

I'm currently investigating the notion of normativity and the relationship between epistemological, legal, and moral progress. Before joining the University of Cologne and CONCEPT, I was a research associate at the Research Centre “Normative Orders” at the Goethe University Frankfurt and held visiting positions at Brown University and the University of Passau. I completed my PhD at the European University Institute in Florence in 2017.

I speak English, German, Italian, Spanish and Danish and you are welcome to contact me in any of these at sofie.moeller [att]


Project "Normativity and Tranformation in Immanuel Kant's Legal Philosophy" (PI Sofie Møller) funded for three years by the German Reasearch Foundation (DFG)

New episode of "Kant Heute" (in German)

on Kant and Progress in conversation with Jürgen Wiebicke and Sven Bernecker

Radio Interview in Danish on Kant's account of art and culture, Kulturen, Danish Public Radio P1

"Constructing Reason" published by Kantian Review as part of Author Meets Critics on Lea Ypi's The Architectonic of Reason

Podcast "Kant Heute" 

on expert knowledge in conversation with Jürgen Wiebicke and Sven Bernecker

Kant on Freedom and Human Nature, edited by Luigi Filieri and Sofie Møller published by Routledge

"On law and morality – the case of Nazi legal theory" published in Jurisprudence as part of book symposium on Herlinde Pauer-Studer's Justifying Injustice. Legal Theory in Nazi Germany

